Friday, September 30, 2016

Preparing for Conference

I love General Conference so much.
While everyone else is snoring through the talks, I'm taking notes and hanging on every word.  I spent 17 years of my life not hearing the counsel and messages of peace from the Lord through His prophet and apostles, so I appreciate every moment.

Here's a kids don't love conference.  We don't want it to be a punishment, so we don't require them to sit and listen.  But it's always my goal to have activities/treats/traditions so that it wi ll become something that they look forward to and eventually love.

I think this year I have found via Pinterest, my best idea yet.

I bought Sicily a little tent on sale at Target.  She is very excited about playing in her tent.  I'm thinking it can be her conference tent, where she can play while we listen.

But this is the best...I'm making speaker bags, one for each apostle or member of the first presidency. When that person speaks, they get to open the bag and share the treat.  Some examples:

EyRING pops
Dieter's doughnuts
Christofferson's Krispies (RK treats)

Possibly a little irreverent but a mom's gotta do what she's gotta do.

As for me, I always prepare for Conference by praying and posing questions beforehand, but this year I'm getting specific based on a post I read by Al Fox Carraway.  WRITE down your questions.

I ALWAYS get answers during General Conference.  ALWAYS.
I am going to post my questions before Conference because I'm so sure the answers are going to be there, that afterwards I'll be able to see it visibly as evidence that this method works.

Read on if you dare....It's an anxious and troubled place inside my mind at times.

-When you have a big crossroads kind of decision to make and want to do the Lord's will - you research, pray, fast, go to the temple and do your part but still get no answers...what is that about?  Out of all people, aren't those of us who are working hard to know the Lord's will the ones who deserve answers the most?

-So then because you don't get any answers, you just act and choose what you want and what you think is best.  And you feel the spirit confirm that it's a good choice and feel really good about it, and you get really excited about that decision but then it ends up being a dead do you not feel jaded, toyed with, or lose confidence in your ability to participate in the revelatory process?  Why would Heavenly Father do that?

-What do you do with bad feelings when you don't want them, but they are there anyway and you can't let them go.  People always say to give them to the Savior, but HOW do you do that?  If you WANT to forgive, and pray to forgive, why doesn't it happen?  Then you feel terrible for having hard feelings even though you're trying not to.  You need the Spirit and want the Spirit, but can't feel Him because you're so troubled with these bad feelings that you can't make stop.  What do you do with yourself until they go away?

-Why do hard times/blessings always seem to come in big when it rains it pours?

-We are supposed to "Be still".  How do we do that?

-How can I better endure persecution?  Chastisement?

-When you prayerfully act and do something you think is good, and the Spirit doesn't give you any warnings, but then people react badly to that good thing you did....what is that about?

-How do you turn the other cheek when others falsely attack your character?  Isn't your character and integrity something that you should defend?  Especially when your livelihood and ability to do good in your community depends on others trusting your character.  What is the Christ like thing to do in that situation?

-I need inspiration for teaching kids about self control, how to help them strengthen this?

-I've had thoughts about agency - If Heavenly Father won't compromise our agency for anything then why don't we have agency or the choice over when we die or when we are born?  Or did know, before?
Shouldn't we be able to choose when we die in situations where dying would be the compassionate thing to do?  I know I didn't articulate that very well.

- We aren't supposed to have pride or try to "keep up with the Joneses", or put stock in THINGS, but we are also counseled to make our homes lovely places and like the temple.  How do we feel good about buying new things to make our homes beautiful without feeling bad or guilty that we're being prideful for having nice things?  How do we find that balance?

Where do I want to be in my life?  Where does Heavenly Father want me to be?  What does He want me to be doing?

That is all.

Try the experiment for yourselves!  Write down your questions beforehand and you will be amazed at how many of the speakers are inspired with answers JUST FOR YOU.  From a loving, merciful Heavenly Father and Savior.  Enjoy Conference y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Thanks for being willing to share.I am going to go write my questions right now.
