Thursday, April 21, 2016

Why I am not voting for Donald Trump

I am not an expert, I'm not a writer or anyone important in the world.  I'm a mom, and this is my online journal and my thoughts, a place to figure things out.  Words which I would like to record for posterity and future use, but also am allowing others to read if they so desire.  If you choose to disagree with me, you are welcome to do so but I request that it be done civilly and tastefully.  

With the primaries in full swing, I have had a few thoughts about our presidential candidates.  First, I would like to start by saying that my opinions are not based on general consensus, or media influence, or anything other than a prayerful and honest search for the best candidate.  

I'll start with Donald Trump.  I must admit, as I listened to his Presidential Announcement Speech, I found myself getting riled up....."Yeah!  All of our jobs ARE being outsourced.  We need someone who can't be bought by lobbyists and who can shake things up.  We DO need to be tough on ISIS!"

But it didn't take me long to figure out that although those are good thoughts, something just isn't adding up.  I wasn't sure what it was exactly...until statements like these began cropping up:

“I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” 

“My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.” 

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” 

Oh there are so so many more.   When he was quoted in the Washington Post as saying:

"I will absolutely take database on the people coming in from Syria," Trump said, adding that such a database would not be needed in a Trump administration, as he would kick all Syrian refugees out of the country, regardless of their religion, and allow no more to enter. "If I win, they're going back. They're going back. We can't have them."

My heart turned to the recent general conference in which the voice of the Lord admonished us to succor those refugees whom are fleeing violence and terror.  

It turned to the New Colossus poem exhibited by the Statue of Liberty:

 "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I do not want my freedoms, international relations, or the inner workings of my country put into jeopardy by a person who blatantly displays such a lack of not only moral character, but American character.  I simply don't trust him.  When it comes time to make the tough decisions, I want someone I trust and who displays some sense of right and wrong in that place of power. 

I feel the same way about Hillary Clinton.  What she says sounds so reasonable and good when I listen to her speak.  However, her actions have been sketchy, and I don't trust her.  This is not coming from a "Fox 13 rant"(which I don't entertain) about the Benghazi incident either, this is something inside me that says 

"Why would a public servant hide their emails from the general public?"  There are so many other reasons I don't have time to delve into, but as I have studied...something isn't adding up.  

I read the following article in the April Ensign the other day and started making some connections within my brain.  It's called:

Avoiding Spiritual Counterfeits

"Flattering Speech Is Counterfeit

Well over half of the counterfeiters in the Book of Mormon use flattering speech and a charismatic personality to achieve their goals. For example, Sherem “had a perfect knowledge of the language of the people; wherefore, he could use much flattery, and much power of speech, according to the power of the devil” (Jacob 7:4). King Noah’s wicked priests spoke “vain and flattering words” (Mosiah 11:7), thus causing the people to engage in idolatry and other wickedness. Korihor achieved similar results in his day, “leading away the hearts of many” (Alma 30:18). Amalickiah and Gadianton both used their penchant for flattery to raise up armies of wicked followers (see Alma 46:10Helaman 2:4)."
Statements such as these really rang true to me:
"President James E. Faust (1920–2007), Second Counselor in the First Presidency, explained: “[Satan’s] voice often sounds so reasonable and his message so easy to justify. It is an appealing, intriguing voice with dulcet tones. It is neither hard nor discordant. No one would listen to Satan’s voice if it sounded harsh or mean.”3"
" Flattery is all about style over substance, and it appeals to the vanity and pride of the natural man within. "
"When the world presents us with an idea, philosophy, or opinion that seems to appeal solely to our vanity or pride or that simply sounds too good to be true, that ought to be a warning to us immediately. Treat those ideas as counterfeit. Compare them against the truths taught by the Lord’s prophets. Look for differences, not similarities, and the counterfeit ideas will become obvious."
So it occurred to me that this is the feeling I'm having.  I'm recognizing flattering speech for what it really is....full of partial truths or even all truths laced with one or many falsehoods.  The article exposes the tactics of Nehor, an ancient politician from the Book of Mormon by describing how he laces truth with false doctrine.  We are also shown how to recognize flattery and spiritual counterfeit when we hear it. 
I'm not saying any of the other candidates aren't doing the same thing.  But I am saying that I will not be placing my trust, support or vote with Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.  
I not only want to apply this discretion towards politicians, but all who claim to be preaching truth.  This includes John Dehlin, Kate Kelly and other open critics against Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Apostles or the Church of Jesus Christ.  
It probably wasn't a coincidence that as I was thinking about these very things, I was asked to sub in Sunday School for my daughter's class.  The lessons was "How can I recognize the difference between truth and error?"  I was excited to further my subject on this study and want to remember these articles for the future:
They were great reminders that if any of us lack wisdom, the pure source of truth is God.  "Let him ask of God."  So this is my pledge to myself and my children that when I am faced with important decisions such as "What is true?"   "Which church is true?"  "Was Joseph Smith telling the truth or was he a fraud?"  or even decisions such as "Whom shall I vote for?"  that I will seek wisdom and guidance from the author of all truth.  My hope is that the general population and my family will be able to apply that same discernment and wisdom as they listen to all of the candidates.  

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