Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Action Items This Week

- walk with Emily
- make spaghetti casserole ahead of time with leftover chicken
- catalog family photos from the family reunion and update family blog
- prepare bonus cards for piano students
- meet with naturopath about bladder and ulcer issues
- figure out what to do to help my eyelashes grow back
- finish making the gold pillows for the front room
- chiropractor appt.
- Family Home Evening: service night at Grandma and Grandpas cleaning their house and mowing the lawn.
- get Cafe Rio dressing for dinner on Weds.

- Walk with Emily
- make enchiladas with leftover beef
- mix marinades for steak and pork chops later this week
- be sure to read to Sissy 30 min. every day
- follow up on the problem with the air conditioning warranty
- arrange to have shelf and door fixed
- call about having brakes inspected.
- wash cups from the church nursery
- lunch with Danette and Sarah
- set out garbage
- grocery store
- copy Carrie's music and return it

- Walk with Emily
- prepare for group lessons
- print out two new 8 x 10 portraits for picture wall
- fix Carter's flat bike tire
- fix Chloe's sandals
- prepare to go to the temple on Thurs, iron dress and have an ancestor card ready
- Playgroup for Sicily

- spray the weeds in the front yard
- update emergency kit with clothes that fit
- finish reading the Book of Jacob
- whiten teeth
- work on conversion story from speaking in church last week
- begin making plans for John's 40th bday party
- follow up with the dealer on the van recall parts
- plan game night with friends from the old neighborhood

- date with John/ lunch with Eric and Betty
- take kids to Lagoon after early out
- call Cousin Jan

- work on shirt stains
- look for white undershirts for the girls
- find black shoes for Clara's choir concert
- dinner with Jake and Ali

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