Monday, August 31, 2015

The Ashley Madison Effect

This thing with the Ashley Madison hack has really got me worked up this week.  It's not that I didn't know that people cheat on their spouses.   I know firsthand the devastating effects of infidelity through the choices of both my father and stepfather.  I suppose I had just turned a blind eye as to how absolutely prevalent it has become.

This week a news story hits and it is in your face that someone is turning a profit by offering a convenient website that exists to allow men and women....government employees whom we have trusted to run our country, ESPN reporters, and even Christian and family advocates...

(ok, but was anyone on this earth really surprised that Snooki's husband had an account?)

to have sexual relations with someone other than their spouse?  That same spouse that they stood up in front of their family and friends and swore before God that they would honor, cherish and protect?
The same spouse that they have built a family with?

"No!" my heart has cried.

(Okay, be prepared, this is going to sound like an angry rant.  Maybe it is a little bit, but it has an uplifting ending.)

Families should be a loving and stable unit, with a mother and a father and all of the wonderful dynamics each gender offers to support and nurture and provide for the loving and fulfilling of the developmental needs of their children so that they can grow up as healthy and whole individuals who contribute to society!

I felt sad, deep down in my heart that I live in a society where people not only tolerate adultery, but even celebrate it.  I shouldn't be surprised... history has shown that this is not a new way of thinking.  Even in the Book of Mormon, anti-Christ Korihor taught false doctrine to the people including the lie that there are no absolute moral standards, and that people should be able to pursue personal gratification without any fear of punishment or guilt, which is basically the philosophy I can see any day on almost any television program.

It's even echoed in Ashley Madison's company slogan which is "Life is short.  Have an affair."

The part that made me feel the most sad, is knowing that this way of thinking hurts families, especially children, and it hurts their chances of returning to Heavenly Father.  I know this from personal experience.  The Plan of Salvation doesn't work when God can't count on us, as families, moms and dads and everyone else in the family to nurture and support each other during this journey back home.  My heart has hurt for all of the broken hearts of the loved ones affected by the Ashley Madison website.  Even for Snooki.

I guess thats a really long way of saying, I've been feeling kind of down this week about the general and prevalent breakdown of the family unit.

It was with that state of mind that I took my kids to a water park this afternoon.  I don't like to get in the water if I don't have to, and thankfully my older girls were in the mood to play with their four year old sister so I was able to sunbathe and observe from afar.

My heart swelled with joy as I watched them hold little Sissy's hand and guide her into the water, they protected her from splashing by rowdy adolescent boys, they gave her piggy back rides and played peekaboo and strengthened their bonds of love in their sisterly relationships.

I began people watching and saw fathers who had given up their Saturdays to spend time having fun with their kids.  They were playing with them and protecting them.  I saw mommies nursing babies, kissing boo boos,  and catching their little ones as they slid down the waterslide.  I saw grandmothers loving on their grandchildren and helping their daughters and sons, and I saw other brothers and sisters playing cutely and lovingly interacting with their little brothers and sisters.  I saw people practicing patience, and sharing, and kindness, and manners, and all manner of things with their families.  I saw God in all of it.  I  saw Christ everywhere.

My frame of mind began to shift.  My mind turned to the scripture  in the Book of Mormon from Moroni Chapter 7:

12 Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God...
13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually

There was so much good around me, there were so many types of people...tattooed and pierced people, scantily clad heavy and skinny people, rough around the edges and classy people all doing good and loving things for their families.

It struck me that although the adversary is gaining more ground, God is so much more present.  The adversary's arrogance only allows him to think of himself, but God is all knowing and omnipresent.  He is everywhere and so much more powerful.

I saw the light of Christ within every family I observed.  I marveled at the sanctity of family relationships, and the significance of the family unit.  The family really IS of God.  And there are still so many wonderful people that are doing their very best, doing it very well, and who are trying very hard.

And just like that, my heart was and is no longer troubled.  I feel motivated to try even harder to work on helping to make my family something Father in Heaven would be proud of.  With His help, I know that I can.

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