Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I was guided to this speech this week and I can't stop reading and studying it.

You Were Born to Lead, You Were Born For Glory, by Sheri Dew

I have a major girl crush on Sheri Dew, President of Deseret Book Company.
I mean, I go straight from the first stage of fan girl (I've read all of your books and talks) to the nearly creepy stalker stage "I would like to be you," or at least, maybe "adopted by you as your favorite little sister."

She is intelligent, quick witted, strong, faithful, classy, so so so funny, down to earth and has a way of explaining things that inspires me and pierces straight to my heart.

She's a cancer survivor, president of a major company, motivational speaker, author, and on just about every state, national and worldwide committee or board that you can imagine.  

Did I mention that I love her?

You MUST read this talk.  Every young girl must read it too.  Let me entice you with this snippet:

Do you know what we believe? Do you know there is power in the doctrine of Christ to change and overcome weakness? Do you realize that the scriptures contain the answer to every life dilemma? A casual understanding of the gospel will not sustain you through the days ahead, which is why it is imperative that you immerse yourself in the word of God.
This spring I spent two weeks at the United Nations as a White House delegate to an international commission. As I listened to women from around the world debate complex social problems, I didn’t hear them raise one issue that couldn’t be solved by living the gospel. Not one.
There is power in the word.
I LOOOOOOVVVVEEE THIS ONE, and can speak from personal experience that this is true.  
Repentance is, frankly, just plain smart, because sin makes you stupid: Stupid because you are deaf, dumb, and blind to the ways of the Lord. Stupid because habitual sin drives the Spirit away, leaving you outside the protective influence of the Holy Ghost. Stupid because it makes you incapable of drawing upon the powers of heaven. Being stupid costs a lot.
Sin costs a lot, too. It can cost time, money, peace of mind, progress, self-respect, your integrity and virtue, your family, the trust of those you love, and even your Church membership.
Sin is just plain stupid. And the cost is off the charts. So repent now. Repent daily. If you want to be sanctified, repentance is not optional.
Obedience, on the other hand, is brilliant, and its fruits are endless—one of which is happiness. The only way that I know to be happy is to live the gospel.
It is not possible to sin enough to be happy. It is not possible to buy enough to be happy or to entertain or indulge yourself enough to be happy. Happiness and joy come only when you are living up to who you are. 
I want to live up to who I am every day in every way.  Speeches like these make me believe I can!

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